Shooting Links to various types of competitions and education
There are many opportunities in the shooting sports to have fun and compete at various levels of competition. Local Club level matches, Postal Matches, State Matches, Regional Matches, College Matches, National Championships, World Championships, To Olympic Championships.
How far you go is all dependent upon how much you want to compete and train. Juniors can train and compete in many styles of shooting sports to help them get scholarships to college.
Kim Rhode, age 17, won a gold medal at the 1996 Summer Games, making her the youngest female gold medalist in the history of Olympic shooting. Adults can compete locally and beyond. The oldest Olympic Medal winner in shooing was
Oscar Swahn, At 64 years of age, he became the oldest gold medalist ever, which he still remains up to today. So there is possibility in the Shooting Sports. I have seen youth excel at shooting from the Club Level all the way up to the Olympic Level. All that it takes is to become involved and set your sights on trying to compete and learn what is out there to compete at. There are many governing bodies in the shooting sports for each type of shooting.
ATA Trap,
International Trap, Skeet,
Action Pistol, Long Range Rifle,
Smallbore Rifle,
BenchRest rifle,
Bullseye Pistol, to
Air Rifle and Pistol.
Defensive Pistol, to
Olympic Archery. If you want to find more info about each of these types of competitions then a little searching on your part will lead you in the right direction. I can speak from experience that i did not know about all the types of shooting available out there until I became involved. Provide an opportunity for somebody to participate and you will be amazed at how far they can take it if they want to.
Open a door to the future with the Shooting Sports.
Did you know that there is an opportunity for shooting to help pay for college?
CMP Scholarships NRA Collegiate Shooting NCAA Shooting at College Getting involved at an early age is very helpful. Since most recruiting happens after July 1 of the end of the Junior Year in High School. College Coaches look to see a pattern of scores and competitions that the young athletes have competed in.
NRA Matches and
USA Shooting Matches will help a Coach determine if you can compete at college.
NRA Postal matches are a great way to start competing. You would shoot the match at your own pace and range. Then mail in the scores to the officials. Scores are tabulated from across the country. I have seen young teams become National Champions in various disciplines competing this way. I have seen adults who thought they were not good enough to compete try a Postal Match and realize that it is quite fun.
Look for opportunity to get involved. At the Club Level there are many events that are conducted to help you learn how to shoot better and train. Have you ever heard of
Camp Perry? It is the home to the National Matches each summer. For many across the country it is the place to be for the summer anywhere from one week to eight weeks. Some compete in only Pistol, Others Smallbore 3 position, Smallbore Prone, Others High Power matches are for them. Still Others compete for the M1 Garand Matches.

I have been on the firing line at Camp Perry and seem hundreds of competitors on multiple relays take there shots at the Championships. Not everybody is going to win, but that is not the point. The point is that they got involved. Teaching the youth and participating in the sport is the only way that the Shooting Sports can stay healthy. Find a way to get involved and see where it will bring you.
The Local level of shooting brings lots of opportunity to the competitor that wants to go out and be part of it. Holbrook is lucky to have as part of it's membership people who have competed at World Championships for Bench Rest, National Championships for Olympic Rifle Shooting, Trap and State Championships for Pistol, Trap and Rifle. So already you can see that the club has many people who can help set you on the right path to shooting if that is where you want to be.
Plymouth County League of Sportsmen
established in 1929. The PCL meets monthly on the third Wednesday of the month from September to June with July and August off.

Their website can be found
Mission Statement: The purposes for which this league is organized are to conserve, restore and manage the fish, game and other wildlife and its habitat in Plymouth County and its environs, to seek to procure better hunting and fishing for sportsmen and women, to promote and maintain friendly relations between landowners and sportsmen, to cooperate in obtaining proper respect for and observance of fish and game laws. to engage in activities necessary for the introduction and passage of laws which will favorably affect the above purposes, to promote closer cooperation in matters of common interest to member clubs, and to acquire, hold, maintain, use and dispose of such real and personal property as may be necessary and convenient to carry out the above purposes .
Gun Owners' Action League (GOAL) is a 100% member supported organization whose sole focus is to protect and restore Second Amendment rights for Massachusetts residents. We are an association of law-abiding citizens who believe in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for competition, recreation and self-protection.
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US Concealed Carry Association
The USCCA is the first & largest association dedicated to educating, training, and insuring responsibly armed Americans.